Estonia, December, 2014
Carrer start
Estonia, 2015
Estonian Championship class Cadet. 1st Place overall
Estonia, 2016
Estonian Championship class Micro60 (8-10y.) 3d Place overall
Estonia, 2018
Estonian Championship class Mini60 (9-13y.) 3d Place overall
Finland, 2018
IAME x30 Series Finland class Mini60 (9-13y.) 3th Place overall
Estonia, 2017
Estonian Championship class Micro60 (8-10y.) 1st Place overall
Finland, 2017
IAME x30 Series Finland (9-13y.) 4th Place overall
Italy, 2018
Italy, race Trofeo de Industry class Mini60 9th Place
Estonia, 2019
Estonian Championship, class Mini60 (9-13y.) 1st Place overall
Estonia, 2020
IAME x30 Series Estonia class X30 Junior (11-14y.) 3d Place overall
Estonia, 2022
Postimees Cup 4 rounds, class OK Junior (11-14y.) 1st Place overall
CIK FIA, 2022
Academy Trophy 3 rounds, class OK Junior (11-14y.) 5st Place overall
to be continued
Estonia, 2020
Estonian Championship, class OK Junior (11-14y.) 3d Place overall
Italy, 2022
33th Trofeo Andrea Margutti, South Garda Karting, class OK Junior 1st Place
Estonia, 2021
Estonian Championship, class OK Junior (11-14y.) 1st Place overall
Estonia, 2022
Estonian Championship, class OK Junior (11-14y.) 1st Place overall
Finland, 2022
SM Finnish Championship, class OK Junior (11-14y.) 4st Place overall
Estonia, 2022
Baltic Cup, class OK Junior (11-14y.) 1st Place
France, 2022
FIA Motorsport Games, Karting Circuit Paul Ricard, class OK Junior 9th Place
Finland, 2019
Finnish championship, class Mini60 1st Place overall
Italy, 2019
Italy, race Trofeo de Primavera, class Mini60 3d Place
Italy, 2019
Italy, WSK Open Cup, Round 1, class Mini60 5th Place
The best ideas come as jokes. Make your thinking as funny as possible.
Italy, 2023
C.R.G. Team Driver for the season 2023 in class OK
I started my karting career in December,2014, at 6 years of age. My father took me to indoor-karting and from that moment I loved it!
My further plans for the next season.
I would like to show my skills to the people who are in karting. I feel, that I am really worth working with in the future.
My coach at the moment is Andriy Honta. He is very experienced! We are working together very well.
My sponsors at the moment:
  • EuroVent Est OÜ
Here are some words from the people who worked and are working with me.
Lorenzo Orlando
the engine preparations minder, Italy
„Pensieri, riflessioni e consigli per il pilota MARK DUBNITSKI: Io personalmente l'ho conosciuto quando credo che aveva ancora circa 9 anni (o 10 anni compiuti da poco) e abbiamo partecipato insieme alla gara (Trofeo d'autunno 2018) nell'importante pista di Lonato. Subito ci ha mostrato la sua buona tecnica e le sue doti, confrontandosi con ottimi piloti e iniziando a lottare con molta grinta, ma logicamente ancora un po in difficoltà vista la tenera età e la poca esperienza in un campo difficile come le gare Italiane. Dopo abbiamo iniziato l'avventura WSK con molte difficoltà perché tutte le piste erano nuove per lui e si è ritrovato a lottare con piloti professionisti che hanno molta."
Toti Gatto
co-owner of Italian team Gamoto, Italy
"I am TOTI Gatto me and my Dad are owners of our Kart Team. #Gamoto.

I was driver too and most of my Team mate are F1 drivers(Kubica) and one of this was F1 world champion few years ago (Nico Rosberg). We do this work almost 40 years and last 15 years we working with young drivers 8-13 years old! Mark was one of these drivers and immediately he showed us his potential. His karting approach is very professional and has always shown innate speed qualities! He is ready to change category from 60 mini to OkJ, for this reason is important to support him because most of races will do around the world! Now will be necessary to find for Mark economically and politically all is necessary!!"
Andrei Bersenev
coach Liqui Moli Roli, Estonia
“С Марком Дубницким мы работали с 2015 по 2018 год включительно. Марк талантливый молодой гонщик, с высокой мотивацией на победу. В 2015 году Марк выиграл большинство гонок в классе Кадет, а уже в 2017 году стал Чемпионом Эстонии в классе Микро 60. В 2018 году Марк занял достойное третье место в классе Мини 60. Мы как команда очень благодарны за его 
достойное представление нашей команды на Эстонских и Международных соревнованиях по картингу. В 2019 году наши пути разошлись,( Марк выступает в составе другой команды),но мы желаем Марку красивых побед, и уверены что у него всё есть для достижения высоких целей.”
My vision of cooperation.
I can predict that an association with me will bring your company economic benefit by providing you additional opportunities to express yourself and your company to the public where I can achieve both in my homeland and abroad.
You will also have the opportunity to use my logo, brand and pictures in your events, showrooms, customer days, etc.
I hope that your interest and my results will culminate in a certain agreement, so that we can work together successfully and prosperously. I am always open to a dialogue and cooperation with you.
Have a good day!
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